5 Top Ways to Boost your Immune System


What is an immune system?

The immune system is the body’s natural defense system that helps fight infections. The immune system is made up of antibodies, white blood cells, and other chemicals and proteins that attack and destroy substances such as bacteria and viruses that they recognize as foreign and different from the body’s normal healthy tissues. In other words, it’s the kick ass system our bodies have in place to keep you healthy and without illness.

The foods you choose to eat can play a major role in how well your immune system functions.

Here are some foods to help boost your immunity.

sweet potato

  1. Sweet Potatoes

These delicious vegetables are very high in Vitamin A which is known to play a crucial role in skin health. You may not think of skin as part of your immune system. But this massive organ serves as a first-line fortress against bacteria, viruses, and other undesirables. One of the best ways to get vitamin A into your diet is from foods containing beta-carotene (like sweet potatoes), which your body turns into vitamin A.


In fact not consuming enough foods rich in vitamin A can lead to a deficiency, which studies link to a weaker immune system and a higher sensitivity to infections.

Besides sweet potatoes, other foods that are high in vitamin A include carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe, dark-green leafy vegetables, squash, romaine lettuce, dried apricots, red peppers, fish and organ meats.



  1. Probiotic-Rich Foods

Probiotics are often called “good” or “helpful” bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy and can help strengthen your immune system. This may reduce the likelihood and severity of your symptoms and help you recover faster when you do fall ill.

Studies also show that when people do get sick, those who regularly consume probiotics less likely to need antibiotics. In certain cases, regularly consuming probiotics may also lead to a faster recovery from illness.

Great sources of probiotics include sauerkraut, naturally fermented pickles, kimchi, tempeh, miso, natto and kombucha.


  1. Garlic

Garlic contains an active compound, allicin, which may help reduce your risk of infection

It’s been show to improve your immune cells’ ability to fight off colds and has antimicrobial and antiviral properties that may help it fight bacterial and viral infections.

Consuming two to three cloves of fresh garlic per day may help boost your immune system. Garlic seems particularly effective at reducing the symptoms and duration of the common cold and flu.


  1. Berries

Berries are a rich source of polyphenols, a group of beneficial plant compounds with antimicrobial properties.

These tasty treats and their polyphenols have the ability to protect against the influenza virus responsible for the flu and may even offer some defense against Staphylococcus, E. coli and Salmonella infections.

Berries also contain good amounts of vitamin C, which adds to their immune-boosting properties.

coconut oil


  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains lauric acid a medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) known for its antimicrobial properties. Lauric acid, which is converted into a substance known as monolaurin during digestion both have the ability to kill harmful viruses, bacteria and fungi (43).

One study suggests that coconut fats may help fight off the types of bacteria that cause stomach ulcers, sinusitis, dental cavities, food poisoning and urinary tract infections.

You can easily add coconut oil to your diet by using it instead of butter or vegetable oils in cooking or baking.

On top of these 5 foods, making sure you get enough H2O, sleep and exercise will also play a major role in your immune system and its ability to fight off illnesses.

Live longer, healthier and happier

GMO – Genetically Modified Organisms

Here’s the thing..there is soo much controversy surrounding Gmo’s that’s it’s kind of hard to write about. Do your research and come up with your own opinions, however as usual I am going to share mine.

Gmo’s are terrible! (I’m usually not one to sugar coat it) Originally the scientists trying so desperately to have gmo’s approved for human consumption said it’s due to the climate and it will solve world hunger. Well almost 10 years later and our world hunger has actual increased and the rate of cancer and diseases continues to arise. If you didn’t guess, I contribute both of these things to genetically modified foods.

Some would call this speculation…this is where I simply say. You have your opinion and i’ll have mine. I have done enough research to know that organisms (food & animals) are healthiest and without disease when unaltered and in their original state and that messing with their composition is dangerous and often results in disaster.I’m not going to give the “our world is crumbling to pieces” story or tell you that you need to go fight your government to ban such products (Although both are very true). I”m simply here to warn you and ask you to avoid these products, for your health and the health of your family.

Here is a great article written by the Health Castle about Gmo’s and how to avoid them and what to look for on labels. READ IT!!! You will thank me in 10-20 years when all these studies are finally released about how bad GMO’s are and the devastation that they have and will cause.


7 Reasons Why Sex is Healthy for You….you’re welcome. ;)

1. It helps you breathe easier – Sex is reputedly a natural antihistamine, helping to combat hay fever and asthma symptoms.

2. You’ll look younger – A good sex life is a key to youthful looks, according to a study of 3,500 people age 18 to 102 conducted by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland. Researchers attributed this to reductions in stress, greater contentment and better sleep, all of which are also associated with sexual activity.

3. It can help your body fight disease – Engaging in sex once or twice a week produces 30 percent higher levels of immunoglobulin A, which boosts your body’s immune system. Scientists have also found that having an active sex life may even lower your risk of developing cancer, heart disease and stroke. On top of all that, it’s a remedy for colds and flu.

4. It burns calories – Like any exercise, sexual intercourse burns fat and calories—about 96 calories in 20 minutes for a 150-lb. person. That means it’ll burn off the calories from that extra glass of wine at dinner (which may have been what put you in the mood in the first place!).

5. It reduces pain – Studies show that vaginal stimulation results in increased pain tolerance, and pleasurable self-stimulation of the clitoris also has an analgesic effect. Re­searchers report that this type of stimulation can ease the pain of menstrual cramps, arthritis, migraine and other conditions.

6. It helps you live longer—if you do it often enough – A Welsh longitudinal study examined the relationship between mortality and frequency of sexual activity. Researchers found that the risk of dying in any one year was 50 percent lower among men who had sex twice or more a week than among men who had sex less than once a month. Even when controlling for such factors as age, social class and smoking status, the study concluded that the more sex, the better.

7. It promotes a feeling of well-being – Sexual activity fosters everything from sexual and reproductive health to happiness. And one U.S. study of more than 1,800 people found that surges in oxytocin and endorphins (which have an apparent sedative effect) occurred as a result of orgasm, explaining why sex often leads to falling asleep.

Enjoy! 🙂

Garden Season!!

Now that we’re in April we need to get a jump start on our garden seedlings. I always like to plant from seed to ensure that I’m not buying a plant that has either been sprayed with chemicals or planted from a seed that is a GMO. I would always highly recommend you do the same. I found a great article on 5 veggies that you should start inside.

Enjoy! and Welcome to Spring. 🙂


Food Is Not Enough – Why We Need Supplements

Here is a great book on why now a days the average person does not get what they need just from eating foods. Even when choosing local, organic. Especially with our fast paced lifestyle and our depleted soil condition “Food Alone is not Enough”. With the various choices available to us on the market today, this book explains why we need supplements, the difference between organic and inorganic materials, natural or synthetic, time released and chelated vitamins.
